Candle Care

Follow these steps for optimal candle performance and safety.

  • Allow the wax pool to reach the edge of the candle container upon burning, especially during the first few uses, in order to avoid 'tunnelling'. This should take approximately 2-3 hours.
  • Trim the wick to maintain a 5mm wick length between burns to maximise the lifespan of your candle and ensure a safe, consistent flame.
  • When lighting the candle ensure that no wick trimmings or used matches are in the wax.
  • Ensure safety by limiting burn time to 4 hours and never leaving a candle unattended.
  • Keep out of reach of children and animals.
  • When you reach the metal wick holder at the base of the candle, please discontinue use. The container can be cleaned out and reused as a pot or storage container!